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Adapt Move Gain

Adapt, Move & Gain (AMG) Fitness is an innovative 501(c)3 non-profit led by Alyssa Gialamas, a U.S. Paralympian in the London and Rio Paralympic Games. This fitness resource aims to elevate at-home workouts specifically for people with disabilities.

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The Model

Welcome to Adapt, Move & Gain, a fitness resource created specifically for people with disabilities. AMG Fitness offers three different programs for varying types of abilities. This model is based on the Paralympic classification system in swimming. As a two-time Paralympian, I understand this system and its benefits in placing you in a space where you can best reach your goals with workouts created for your abilities.

Below you will find a general description of AMG’s classification system, based on the Swimming Classification:

  • Classes 1-5: are for wheelchair athletes with limited use of both hands and legs.
  • Classes 6-7: are for those able to transfer to the floor and or have more ability to stand for periods of time.
  • Classes 8-10: are for standing athletes, or for those who can stand and get up from the floor with ease.

Within the wheelchair and standing classes, the lower the number, the greater the impact the impairment has on an athlete’s ability to compete.

AMG Fitness Programs

Workout Programs

AMG Fitness offers three different programs for varying types of abilities. New workouts for each program will be published every Sunday so you can be ready to tackle the week ahead!

Instructions for each program will include both video and text demonstrations for each exercise so you can safely and effectively complete the movement.


This is focused on those in classes 1-5 and provides sitting and limited movement exercises. This program is focused on getting your heart rate up and improving core strength to allow for greater mobility in your activities of daily living.

learn more about Adapt


This is focused on offering workouts for classes 5-7. The focus of this program will be an adaptable HIIT workout with different circuits to gain strength and increase heart rate. Weights are not required but preferred

learn more about Move


This is focused on workouts for classes 7-10. The program will include weights and resemble a HIIT workout with more complex exercises that require the ability to move from floor to standing.

learn more about Gain

The Mission

The mission for AMG Fitness is three-pronged:

Workout Plans: Create numerous workout routines that are easily customizable for varying types of abilities through three different programs.

Creating Community: Provide online and in-person resources to help empower AMG members to live healthier lives and gain an increase in movement.

Raise Awareness: Elevate the discourse around physically disabled people and the need and benefits of physical fitness among this community.

Meet the Team at AMG Fitness Foundation:

Dr. Ryan Cusack, DPT – President of the Board of Directors

Utilizing his professional expertise in physical therapy, neurological rehabilitation, and wheelchair mobility, Ryan helps to ensure that AMG’s workouts are safe and effective.

Sophiana Leto (To Through Beyond) – Philanthropy Manager 

A professional fundraiser and grant writer, Sophiana oversees AMG’s fundraising and donor relations initiatives.

Victoria Karkazis – Director of Strategic Partnerships

An experienced sales and marketing professional for the health sector, Victoria manages AMG’s strategic partnerships and corporate relations. 

Peter Watts (The Five Arrows Media) – Videographer 

Bringing together his passion for videography and wellness, Peter is responsible for filming and editing AMG’s videos for social media.

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About Alyssa

Founder and director Alyssa Gialamas was born with arthrogryposis which impacts her legs and hands. She uses leg braces to walk and has been since she was young. From a young age, she was taught not to let anything stop her, and whatever she put her mind to, she could achieve.

This led her to become one of the best athletes in the world for ten years, with 21 American records and a two-time Paralympian in London and Rio in swimming. While competing at the highest level, she learned how to adapt to her teammates’ workouts and observed some of the best athletes in the world train with various abilities and focus on moving their bodies with exercises that worked for them.

Alyssa realized that, while there are thousands of fitness programs, books, and apps, there is a significant lack of inclusiveness for people with disabilities.

Adapt, Move & Gain (AMG) Fitness was created to provide at-home workouts to a community of different abilities.

AMG Fitness Programs

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    To learn more about AMG's adaptive in-person fitness classes